Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thus ends this great story

What a long, wonderful trip it’s been. Thank you for taking it with me. 

Your translator, Sue Burke, at the Convento de San Marcos in León, Spain, originally the headquarters of the knights of the Order of Santiago. Photo by Jerry Finn.

Back in January 2009, I began posting this translation of a book that left a deep mark on European literature. Next week, I’ll post the end of the final chapter.

It’s a cliffhanger, I’m afraid. The sequel to Amadis of Gaul is The Exploits of Esplandian, the story of Amadis’ son, and it’s often called the fifth book of the series because Amadis of Gaul is actually made up of four books. Alas, I won’t be translating the book about Esplandian, which would take almost four more years. Other projects await me.

However, I have published the first book of Amadis in paper and ebook formats through Amazon, and I’ll do the same for the remaining three. This blog will still be available for everyone to enjoy, and I’m happy that so many people are reading it. If I can help you, the reader, in any other way, please ask.

Regarding the Chapter 133 cliffhanger, I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but Esplandian promptly collects his magic sword from the island of the Peak of the Enchanting Damsel, then travels to the Forbidden Mountain to rescue his grandfather, King Lisuarte, who was kidnapped by the sister of Arcalaus the Sorcerer. After that, Esplandian goes on a series of adventures, especially to protect the city of Constantinople from the Persians. And he eventually marries Princess Leonorina. Their sons, grandsons, great-grandsons etc. also become great knights.

In all, 13 books were published in Spain between 1508 and 1551 to carry on the tales of the family of Amadis. Others were written in Italy, Germany, France, and Portugal over the coming century. In addition, in Spain alone, 65 more novels of chivalry about other knights were published, including Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes in 1605. And we must not forget the many earlier tales of chivalry, such as the King Arthur cycle, that came to us from the Middle Ages.

This book, Amadis of Gaul, serves as a foundation and nexus for a genre of literature that remains alive and well in our own time as “sword and sorcery.” I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have. Courage, adventure, love, and knights in shining armor: our world has changed, but we have not. We all still love a good story.

Thank you again for being an essential part of this adventure.



  1. Great! It's a marvellous world to remind, thanks, Sue.

  2. Thank you for reading this story that should never be forgotten!
